Raghu Rai | Exposure: Portrait Of A Corporate Crime Hasan Ali, 70 years old, is a victim of the gas disaster. He suffers from multiple disorders. His seven grown-up daughters say that their education and marriages have suffered heavily from their fa (...)
ther's illness. Bhopal, India. 2002. © Raghu Rai | Magnum Photos
Raghu Rai | Exposure: Portrait Of A Corporate Crime Foetuses which were aborted by pregnant women while escaping from the gas, were preserved by Dr. Satpathy, a forensic expert at the State Government's Hamida Hospital, to establish the exact cause (...)
of death. Bhopal, India. 2001. © Raghu Rai | Magnum Photos
Raghu Rai | Exposure: Portrait Of A Corporate Crime Rubeda Banu with her three sons. At the moment of the disaster the two older boys were a week and 18 months old. The youngest was born one year after the disaster. They are all less than five feet (...)
tall. Bhopal, India. 2002. © Raghu Rai | Magnum Photos