Enri Canaj Children playing in The Hotel House.
Hotel House is 17 floors high, 480 apartments 32 different nationalities and almost 3,000 residents. Most of them are families. The Hotel House was inaugurated (...)
in 1968 and was offering the chance to "live between domestic walls with all the services of a grand hotel". Porto Recanati. Italy. August, 2018. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos
Enri Canaj ITALY. Porto Recanati. August, 2018. Enzo, 75 years old lives on the 14th floor at the Hotel House in Porto Reccanati. ‘’There are 285 stairs each time. Imagine if one day I forget something and I (...)
have to go back’’. The elevator is not working since 2 years now. He had 3 knee operations until now. ‘’Piano, piano I made it every day’’. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos
Enri Canaj Migrants working on the fields collecting asparagus. Often they work under a gangmaster, with no employment contract, long hours and earning far below the minimum wage. The gangmasters charge them (...)
for transport to the fields, as well as the food and water they receive while there. South Italy, 2018. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos
Enri Canaj Borgo Mezzanone is a fraction of Manfredonia, in the province of Foggia. On a former Nato area, in 2005 the largest CARA in Italy was built after the one in Mineo. The official capacity is 636 peop (...)
le. Around the Cara, over the years, has developed an abusive shantytown, with makeshift camps and communities, known locally as ghettos, that are home to a migrant workforce that plants and harvests its crops. "Runway Ghetto” houses about 2000 people. South Italy, 2018. © Enri Canaj | Magnum Photos