Alex Majoli SCENE#8846. Collage made with a photo taken during the Covid 19 pandemic and one taken in Reggio Emilia at the Teatro Ariosto while actress Cristina Castellani performing. Italy, 2021 March, Reggio (...)
Emilia. Duomo's church.
A priest praying during the national day for covid victims. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli #SCENE9024 Collage made with a photo taken during the Covid 19 pandemic and one taken in Reggio Emilia at the Teatro Ariosto while actress Cristina Castellani is performing. Italy, 2020 April, Seri (...)
ate, Lombardy. Don Marcello Crotti e Don Mario blessing coffins at ST. Joseph curch. Because of the coronavirus outbreak, clusters of coffins arrive every day and are laid on the cold marble floor of St. Joseph’s Church.
“Authorities didn’t know where to put the coffins,” said Carminati, 64, the senior priest in Seriate, a tranquil, middle-class riverside town of 25,000 people in northern Italy.
When enough have accumulated, he and others priests give them a hasty blessing and then a forklift loads them on to army trucks to cemeteries and crematoria. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli SCENE#8846. Collage made with a photo taken during the Covid 19 pandemic and one taken in Reggio Emilia at the Teatro Ariosto while actress Cristina Castellani performing. Italy, 2021 March, Reggio (...)
Emilia. Duomo's church.
A priest praying during the national day for covid victims. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli #SCENE9024 Collage made with a photo taken during the Covid 19 pandemic and one taken in Reggio Emilia at the Teatro Ariosto while actress Cristina Castellani is performing. Italy, 2020 April, Seri (...)
ate, Lombardy. Don Marcello Crotti e Don Mario blessing coffins at ST. Joseph curch. Because of the coronavirus outbreak, clusters of coffins arrive every day and are laid on the cold marble floor of St. Joseph’s Church.
“Authorities didn’t know where to put the coffins,” said Carminati, 64, the senior priest in Seriate, a tranquil, middle-class riverside town of 25,000 people in northern Italy.
When enough have accumulated, he and others priests give them a hasty blessing and then a forklift loads them on to army trucks to cemeteries and crematoria. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos
Alex Majoli #SCENE8849 Collage made with a photo taken during the Covid 19 pandemic and one taken in Reggio Emilia at the Teatro Ariosto while actress Cristina Castellani performing. Italy, 2021 April, Catania (...)
Medical staff is checking patients inside an Evangelical nursing home after a few casualties occured. The same day all the patients were hospitalized with symptoms from COVID 19. © Alex Majoli | Magnum Photos