Moises Saman A policeman covers his face during the funeral of Jose Antonio Alfaro Rodriguez, a 31-year-old policeman that was murdered by gang members while off-duty in front of his home in the Ciudad Arce dis (...)
trict of San Salvador. Joya de Ceren. El Salvador. 19 September, 2018. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman EL SALVADOR. September 15, 2016. Santiago, a senior member and spokesman of the Sureños faction of the 18th Street gang poses for a portrait at an undisclosed location in El Salvador. Since 2007, S (...)
antiago has been focused on the non-violent political efforts of the gang. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman After a brief chase, a policeman arrests a suspected gang member involved in the carjacking of a truck. The police then brought the victims of the carjacking to the scene of the arrest, where the v (...)
ictims identified the suspect and his companion as the carjackers. San Salvador. El Salvador. September 15, 2016. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Incarcerated members of the MS13 gang in their sleeping quarters inside the Chalatenango prison in El Salvador, one of the prisons in El Salvador where the "Yo Cambio" (I Change) program of gang re (...)
habilitation is being implemented. Chalatenango. El Salvador. 17 September, 2018. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman A dog walks next to a day laborer awaiting for work on a street in Intipuca, a town known for the number of immigrants that now live in the United States. In Intipuca central square, Emigrants Park (...)
, boasts a monument to local farmer Sigfredo Chavez, who slung his backpack over his shoulder in 1967 and headed for the United States, becoming the first Intipucan to make the journey. Some 5.3 million Central American immigrants live in the United States, 2.9 million of them from El Salvador, a country of just 6.3 million people whose recent history has been blighted by civil war, gang violence, and economic struggles. Intipuca, La Union. El Salvador. 25 September, 2018. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman EL SALVADOR. Apopa. 18 September, 2018. Vladimir Echevarria Amaya, 23, sits in his one-room family home he shares with his family in the Distrito Italia district of Apopa, an area known to be under (...)
the control of the MS13 gang. Vladimir got involved with the gang and spent time in prison where he was infected with tuberculosis. Since he got out from prison in July of 2018, Vladimir has rejoined the MS13 gang that controls his neighborhood. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman EL SALVADOR. Intipuca, La Union. 25 September, 2018. Street scene in the town of Intipuca, a town known for the number of immigrants that now live in the United States. In Intipuca central square, (...)
Emigrants Park, boasts a monument to local farmer Sigfredo Chavez, who slung his backpack over his shoulder in 1967 and headed for the United States, becoming the first Intipucan to make the journey. Some 5.3 million Central American immigrants live in the United States, 2.9 million of them from El Salvador, a country of just 6.3 million people whose recent history has been blighted by civil war, gang violence, and economic struggles. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman MEXICO. Ciudad Hidalgo. 2 November, 2018.
Mexican Federal Police officers stand behind the closed gate at the Ciudad Hidalgo border crossing between Mexico and Guatemala. Mexican immigration offic (...)
ials offered the opportunity to apply for asylum in Mexico, but refused safe passage to the United States, to the close to 2000 Salvadoran migrants that reached this border crossing as they are making their way from El Salvador to the US border. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Dozens of Salvadorian migrants, part of a caravan of hundreds of migrants from El Salvador making their way toward the United States, ride inside a container trailer on their way to the Salvador-Gu (...)
atemala border.
On October 3, a so-called "Migrant Caravan" of about 1,500 Hondurans left the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and on 31 October a similar caravan of Salvadorans left San Salvador. The migrants on both caravans fled from the violence, lack of opportunities and political repression in their country, they are on their way to the southern U.S. border with the hope of seeking asylum in the United States. On October 19, the caravan reached the border between Guatemala and Mexico. After tension and harassment they finally entered the Mexican territory. By then the caravan included other Central American migrants and had grown to more than 7,000 people according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is now making its way through the state of Oaxaca where they have been sleeping on the streets and other improvised shelters provided by the local governments inside the different towns they have reached. The journey continues as they head toward their final destination, the USA/Mexican border .El Gulsnay. El Salvador. 31 October, 2018. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman MEXICO. Tapachula. 4 October, 2018.
The caravan of Salvadoran migrants make their wat toward the Mesican city of Tapachula, in Chipapas State. On October 3, a so-called "Migrant Caravan" of about (...)
1,500 Hondurans left the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and on 31 October a similar caravan of Salvadorans left San Salvador. The migrants on both caravans fled from the violence, lack of opportunities and political repression in their country, they are on their way to the southern U.S. border with the hope of seeking asylum in the United States. On October 19, the caravan reached the border between Guatemala and Mexico. After tension and harassment they finally entered the Mexican territory. By then the caravan included other Central American migrants and had grown to more than 7,000 people according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is now making its way through the state of Oaxaca where they have been sleeping on the streets and other improvised shelters provided by the local governments inside the different towns they have reached. The journey continues as they head toward their final destination, the USA/Mexican border. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman A caravan of Salvadoran migrants cross the Suchiate river border from Guatemala into Mexico after Mexican immigration authorities declined their request to legally transit through Mexican territory (...)
as they make their way north toward the US border. Suchiate River. Guatemala-Mexico border. 2 November, 2018. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Salvadoran migrants rush to jump a fence to exit a restricted official border crossing area between Guatemala and Mexico at Tecun Uman. The migrants refused to stay in the area after Mexican immigr (...)
ation authorities declined their request to be allowed to legally transit through Mexican territory as they make their way to the US border. Tecun Uman. Guatemala. 2 November, 2018. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman EL SALVADOR. Panchimalco. December 13, 2007. The mother of a suspected "Calle 18" gang member Rigoberto Carrillo, stands next to her son before he is taken away by Salvadoran police during a raid i (...)
n the Panchimalco district on the outskirts of San Salvador. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos