Burt Glinn SPAIN. Sagaro. 1959. Twenty-five-year-old Elizabeth TAYLOR on the set of "Suddenly Last Summer", in which she co-stars with Katharine Hepburn and Montgomery Clift. It is Taylor's first film after (...)
the death of her 3rd husband, Mike Todd, in a plane crash. Just months after Todd's death, Taylor married Eddie Fisher and found herself at the center of a scandal. It was a place that would become familar for her, though never comfortable, for the next 30 years. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Ian Berry France. Paris. Jane Birkin OBE is an English actress and singer based in France. She is known for her relationship with Serge Gainsbourg and for having a Hermes bag named after her. In recent yea (...)
rs she has written her own album, directed a film and become an outspoken proponent of democracy in Burma. Here she sits with Serge Gainsbourg in their Paris flat. 1970 © Ian Berry | Magnum Photos