Theory & Practice

Ascent to Heaven

A spread in the book, Subida al Cielo, published by Dalpine.
Morocco-Spain Border. Melilla. 2019. From the project "Los Afortunados"
Above and below: From the project 'Los Afortunados' (The Fortunate Ones), Melilla, Morocco-Spain border, 2019.
Above and below: From the project 'La Jungla' (The Jungle). Tijuana, Mexico, 2019.
Above and below: From the project 'La Jungla' (The Jungle). Tijuana, Mexico, 2019.
Above and below: From 'Las Visiones' (The Visions). Puente Genil, Cordoba, Spain, 2019.
Above and below: From the project 'Subida al Cielo' (Ascent to Heaven). Bristol, UK, 2017.
Montse in bed at the congregation's summer house. From the series, 'Aristócratas' (Aristocrats), Galicia, Spain, 2016.
Above and below: From 'Aristócratas' (Aristocrats). Galicia, Spain, 2016.
From the series, 'La Jungla' (The Jungle). Tijuana, Mexico, 2020. All images © Lúa Ribeira/Magnum Photos.