Chris Steele-Perkins Comfort women. Lee Sun Duk. She was 17 years old and working on a farm harvesting when she was taken by a Japanese soldier. She was put in a room with 15 other girls and then taken to Shanghai and (...)
made to work at a sex station. There she was frequently beaten for resisting and this has damaged her eyesight. She had to have sex every day of the year. When she finally came home both her parents had died. Korea. 2006. © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Susan Meiselas Advertisement in front of a maid agency in a shopping center. Many agencies compete for prospective clients by offering low agency fees. Typically, as the agency fee for employers drops, the cost i (...)
s shifted to the recruitment fees paid by domestic workers, who may labor for eight months without a salary to repay these costs. Singapore. 2006. © Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos