Newsha Tavakolian Young actresses and actors, working with the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association defending human rights in Tunisia, performing in a street theater about the 2011 revolution and violence that fol (...)
lowed. The play took place in a central Tunis park, where many families visiting the park were surprised and interested to see such a play. Those invited to be in the theater are mostly from the poorer regions of Tunis and other cities. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian View from the outside of the bus leading a group of children and young adults from poor families to the National Bardo Museum. Asma Kaouech’s childhood friend attacked the museum in 2015, having tu (...)
rned into a radical Islamist. He and two other terrorists killed 21 people, mostly European tourists. It was a wake-up call for her. Now she takes children from poor families to the site of the attack, the museum, to teach them the history of the country and also discuss what happened on that day in 2015. During such visits she always brings a psychologist who also works with the group. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian TUNISIA. Tunis. August 2017.
Child in the National Bardo Museum. Asma Kaouech’s childhood friend attacked the National museum in 2015, having turned into a radical islamist. He and two other terro (...)
rists killed 21 people, mostly European tourists. It was a wake-up call for her. Now she takes children from poorer families to the site of the attack, the museum, to teach them the history of the country and also discuss what happened on that day in 2015. During such visits she always brings a psychologist who also works with
the group. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian TUNISIA. Tunis. August 2017.
Inside the bus leading a group of children and young adults from poor families to the National Bardo Museum. Asma Koache’s childhood friend attacked the museum in 2015 (...)
, having turned into a radical islamist. He and two other terrorists killed 21 people, mostly European tourists. It was a wake-up call for her. Now she takes children from poor families to the site of the attack, the museum, to teach them the history of the country and also discuss what happened on that day in 2015. During such visits she always brings a psychologist who also works with the group. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian TUNISIA. Tunis. August 2017.
Asma Kaouech’s childhood friend attacked the National museum
in 2015, having turned into a radical islamist. He and two other terrorists killed 21 people, mostly Euro (...)
pean tourists. It was a wake-up call for her. Now she takes children from poorer families to the site of the attack, the museum, to teach them the history of the country and also discuss what happened on that day in 2015. During such visits she always brings a psychologist who also works with the group. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Asma Kaouech and a child from a poor family in the National Bardo Museum. Asma Kaouech’s childhood friend attacked the museum in 2015, having turned into a radical Islamist. He and two other terror (...)
ists killed 21 people, mostly European tourists. It was a wake-up call for her. Now she takes children from poorer families to the site of the attack, the museum, to teach them the history of the country and also discuss what happened on that day in 2015. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Streets in the old Medina quarter of Tunisia. Since the 2011 revolution many laws have been adjusted but lack of employment remains a key problem. With no jobs and no prospect of economic improveme (...)
nt some young people are attracted to radical Islamic groups. Fani Raghman Ani is one of the first NGO’s trying to prevent youths from choosing that option, by organizing theatre and art performances and workshops. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian TUNISIA. Tunis. August 2017.
Youths in danger of Islamic radicalisation, during a one-day work
show organised by the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association defending human rights in Tunisia, in c (...)
ollaboration with another NGO. During the workshop the participants are asked to draw their
dream house. Afterwards they discuss their idea’s, forcing them to talk about what is on their mind, performing in a street theatre about the 2011 revolution and violence that followed. The play took place in a central Tunis park, where many families visiting the park were
surprised and interested to see such a play. Those invited to be in the
theatre are mostly from the poorer regions of Tunis and other cities. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Young people in danger of Islamic radicalization, during a one-day work show organized by the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association defending human rights in Tunisia, in collaboration with another (...)
NGO. During the workshop the participants are asked to draw their dream house. Afterward they discuss their ideas, forcing them to talk about what is on their mind. Most of them draw big houses, showing inequality, and social injustice. One drew a house where he was alone, saying he just wanted to be by himself. Another said: 'We cannot image a dream city, because I don’t even know what that looks like in a dream.' Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian TUNISIA. Tunis. August 2017.
Young actresses and actors, working with the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association defending human rights in Tunisia, performing in a street theatre about the 2011 re (...)
volution and violence that followed. The play took place in a central Tunis park, where many families visiting the park were surprised and interested to see such a play. Those invited to be in the theatre are mostly from the poorer regions of Tunis and other cities. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian View of the old Medina quarter of Tunisia. Since the 2011 revolution many laws have been adjusted but lack of employment remains a key problem. With no jobs and no outlook to economical improvement (...)
some youths are attracted to radical Islamic groups. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Youths in danger of Islamic radicalisation, during a one-day workshop organised by the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association
defending human rights in Tunisia, in collaboration with another NGO. (...)
During the workshop the participants are asked to draw their dream house. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Women standing in a central Tunis park. Young actresses and actors, working with the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association defending human rights in Tunisia, were performing in a street theater ab (...)
out the 2011 revolution and violence that followed. Many families were visiting the park were surprised and interested to see such a play. Those invited to be in the theater are mostly from the poorer regions of Tunis and other cities. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos
Newsha Tavakolian Young actresses and actors, working with the Fani Raghman Ani group, an association defending human rights in Tunisia, performing in a street theater about the 2011 revolution and violence that fol (...)
lowed. The play took place in a central Tunis park, where many families visiting the park were surprised and interested to see such a play. Those invited to be in the theater are mostly from the poorer regions of Tunis and other cities. Tunis, Tunisia. August 2017. © Newsha Tavakolian | Magnum Photos