Moises Saman Under the cover of night a network of Syrian smugglers transport a family fleeing the violence inside Syria on a rowboat across the Orentes River, which marks a stretch of the border between northe (...)
rn Syria and southern Turkey. Since the start of the Syrian conflict in March of 2011 over 11 000 Syrian refugees have fled the country and are now living in refugee camps along the Turkish border. Along the Turkish-Syrian border in Hatay Province, Turkey. March 2, 2012. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman A Syrian boy stands behind a plastic tent cover at a refugee camp near the Turkish border village of Boynuyogun. The camp houses over 1 800 Syrians that have fled the violence since the start of th (...)
e conflict in March of 2011. Boynuyogun, Hatay Province, Turkey. March 4, 2012. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos