Abbas Pilgrims from all over the world pray on Mount Rahma. Mount Rahma, in the plain of Arafat (where Muslims believe Adam met Eve). Pilgrims dressed in the Ihram (two pieces of unstitched white cloth), (...)
gather to show their respect for all forms of life. Droplets of water cool off pilgrims and trees from the dense heat. Hajj pilgrimage, Mecca. Saudi Arabia. 1992. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas The name "Ahl-e-Kitab" (People of the Book, in Arabic) was given by the photographer and adopted by two American families of Christian origin who follow both the Old and the New Testament to the le (...)
tter. They dress, feed and worship according to their interpretation of the Book. They live under tents in an olive grove on Mount Zion, hoping they will be called upon by Jeovah to build His third Temple. They carry verses on the back of their hands, for constant study. They believe Moses' fourth Commandment "Thou shall not make any idol" includes photography. Ahl-e-Kitabis look upon the Old City from the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem. Israel. 1995. © Abbas | Magnum Photos