Arts & Culture

Through the Window

Burt Glinn Windows on the World owner Joe Baum, silhouetted against view from the restaurant. New York City. USA. 1976. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson Reflection in window in Altamira. Caracas. Venezuela. 2006. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson | USA. Brooklyn, NY. 2009. Marion on bed. Marion on bed. Brooklyn, NY. USA. 2009. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Christopher Anderson Tatyana Enkin and Warren Estis at their home on the 86th floor of the Trump Tower at United Nations Plaza. NYC. USA. 2016. © Christopher Anderson | Magnum Photos
Eli Reed A state school for orphans. Detroit, Michigan. USA. 1988. © Eli Reed | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn Sammy Davis Jr. looks out a Manhattan window.New York City. USA. 1959. © Burt Glinn | Magnum Photos