Arts & Culture

Emerging in Fragments: Sim Chi Yin’s ‘One Day We’ll Understand’

Sim Chi Yin Installation views of Sim Chi Yin's solo exhibition "One Day We'll Understand" at Les Rencontres d'Arles, installed at the 10th century former Benedictine monastery, Abbaye de Montmajour. 8 July 2021. © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos
Sim Chi Yin Installation views of Sim Chi Yin's solo exhibition "One Day We'll Understand" at Les Rencontres d'Arles, installed at the 10th century former Benedictine monastery, Abbaye de Montmajour. 8 July 2021. © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos
Captured guerrilla fighters being interrogated during the Malayan "Emergency" 1948-1960. This is one of fewer than a dozen images in the Imperial War Museum's comprehensive collection on this war w (...)
British soldier on patrol in jungle. From "Interventions", "One Day We'll Understand", 2020. Archival image: Imperial War Museums; artist rendition © Sim Chi Yin 2020
British combat troops abseiling down from a helicopter, September 1964. From "Interventions", "One Day We'll Understand", 2020. Archival image: Imperial War Museums; artist rendition © Sim Chi Yin (...)
British parachutists landing on jungle trees in Malaya, 9 July 1953. From "Interventions", "One Day We'll Understand", 2020. Archival image: Imperial War Museums; artist rendition © Sim Chi Yin 2020
Sim Chi Yin From "Remnants", in the exhibition "One Day We'll Understand". © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos
Sim Chi Yin From "Remnants", in the exhibition "One Day We'll Understand". © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos
Sim Chi Yin From "Remnants", in the exhibition "One Day We'll Understand". © Sim Chi Yin | Magnum Photos