Mark Power France. Paris. Rue de Charonne. 'La Belle Équipe' restaurant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At approximately 21:36, two attackers fired shots for several minutes a (...)
t the outdoor terrace of the restaurant La Belle Équipe on the Rue de Charonne in the 11th arrondissement before returning to their car and driving away. Nineteen people were killed and nine were left in a critical condition.
05:30hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Boulevard Voltaire. Outside the Bataclan Theatre.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At approximately 21:45 a mass shooting and hostage-taking occurred a (...)
t the Bataclan theatre on the Boulevard Voltaire. Eighty-nine people died. American band 'Eagles of Death Metal' were playing to an audience of around 1,500 people.
05:00hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power La Belle Équipe restaurant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015. At approximately 21:36, two attackers fired shots for several minutes at the outdoor terrace of t (...)
he restaurant La Belle Équipe on the Rue de Charonne in the 11th arrondissement before returning to their car and driving away. Nineteen people were killed and nine were left in a critical condition.
Rue de Charonne, Paris, France. 05:30hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi. 'La Casa Nostra' restaurant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At 21:32, a man with a machine gun fired shots from outside Ca (...)
fé Bonne Bière, close to the Italian restaurant La Casa Nostra. Five people were killed and eight injured.
03:00hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power La Casa Nostra restaurant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At 21:32, a man with a machine gun fired shots outside Café Bonne Bière, close to the Italian restaurant (...)
La Casa Nostra. Five people were killed and eight injured. Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi, Paris, France. France. Paris.
03:00hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi. 'Café Bonne Bière'.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At 21:32, a man with a machine gun fired shots outside Café Bonne Bière (...)
, close to the Italian restaurant La Casa Nostra. Five people were killed and eight injured.
02:30hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Boulevard Voltaire. Bataclan Theatre.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At approximately 21:45 a mass shooting and hostage-taking occurred at the Batacl (...)
an theatre on the Boulevard Voltaire. Eighty-nine people died. American band 'Eagles of Death Metal' were playing to an audience of around 1,500 people. The white bus belongs to the band, and has stayed there since the attack.
05:00hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Boulevard Voltaire. 'Comptoir Voltaire' cafe.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At 21:40 a suicide bomber sat down at the Comptoir Voltaire cafe and pl (...)
aced an order before detonating his vest. Fifteen people were injured, one of them seriously.
02:30hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Outside the Stade de France.
The aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015. The third suicide bomber was discovered while trying to get through Gate 'B' and into the stadium (...)
for the France v Germany football match. He ran, and detonated his belt.
00:40hrs, 18th November 2015. Saint Denis. Avenue Jules Rimet, Paris, France. 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Rue de Charonne. 'La Belle Équipe' restaurant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At approximately 21:36, two attackers fired shots for several minutes a (...)
t the outdoor terrace of the restaurant La Belle Équipe on the Rue de Charonne in the 11th arrondissement before returning to their car and driving away. Nineteen people were killed and nine were left in a critical condition.
05:30hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Rue Edouard Vaillant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. The attackers were travelling in one, or possibly two, cars. One was discovered here, on rue Ed (...)
ouard Vaillant. where this black car is now parked (NB: This is NOT the attackers car!) on Saturday morning, the 14th, and taken away by forensic scientists.
06:30hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Outside the Bataclan Theatre.
The aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015. At approximately 21:45 a mass shooting and hostage-taking occurred at the Bataclan theatre on t (...)
he Boulevard Voltaire. Eighty-nine people died. American band 'Eagles of Death Metal' were playing to an audience of around 1,500 people.
05:00hrs. Boulevard Voltaire, Paris, France. November 18, 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Rue Bichat.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At approximately 21:20, the first shootings occurred on the rue Bichat and the rue Albert, near the Canal (...)
Saint-Martin in the 10th arrondissement. Attackers shot at people outside Le Carillon, a café and bar before crossing the rue Bichat and shooting people inside the restaurant Le Petit Cambodge. Eleven people were killed at the restaurant.
04:00hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi. 'La Casa Nostra' restaurant.
The aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. At 21:32, a man with a machine gun fired shots from outside Ca (...)
fé Bonne Bière, close to the Italian restaurant La Casa Nostra. Five people were killed and eight injured.
03:00hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power Outside the Bataclan Theatre.
The aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015. At approximately 21:45 a mass shooting and hostage-taking occurred at the Bataclan theatre on t (...)
he Boulevard Voltaire. Eighty-nine people died. American band 'Eagles of Death Metal' were playing to an audience of around 1,500 people.
05:00hrs. Boulevard Voltaire, Paris, France. November 18, 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Mark Power France. Paris. Saint Denis. Avenue Jules Rimet, outside the Stade de France.
Aftermath of the terrorism attacks in Paris on 13.11.2015. The second suicide bomber was discovered while trying to get (...)
through Gate 'H' and into the stadium for the France v Germany football match. He ran, and detonated his belt across the road, outside this restaurant.
00:40hrs, 18th November 2015. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos