Jérôme Sessini On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot pol (...)
ice claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev. Ukraine. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Kiev. February 20, 2014. Unidentified snipers opened fire on unarmed protesters as they were advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. (...)
Ukrainian riot police claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot pol (...)
ice claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev. Ukraine. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot pol (...)
ice claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev. Ukraine. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot pol (...)
ice claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev. Ukraine. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot pol (...)
ice claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev. Ukraine © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Kiev. February 20, 2014.
Bodies of protesters shot dead by snipers are seen in front of the Hotel Kozynska on Maidan square. On the morning, protesters made an advance to open a new fron (...)
t in Instituska street.
According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead by snipers. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini An Orthodox priest blesses the protesters on a barricade. February 20, 2014. Unidentified snipers opened fire on unarmed protesters as they were advancing on Instituska street. According to an offi (...)
cial source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot police claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. Kiev. Ukraine © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini UKRAINE. Kiev. On February 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukr (...)
ainian riot police claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers as well. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos