Jérôme Sessini M. Cheom Kol lives in front of Chinese-owned Rui Feng industrial complex. The families accuse Rui Feng International of clearing 500 hectares of land they have occupied for almost three years to es (...)
tablish a sugarcane plantation. Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. July 26, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Samrith Vaing (right), a human rights activist and Sakharov Fellow, during a visit to a Bunong family who have been relocated to a government compensation compound. Because of Chinese dam construct (...)
ions and deforestation, indigenous
communities are facing the threat of forced evictions from their
ancestral lands by the Cambodian government. Stung Treng province, Cambodia. July 25, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini A Bunong girl is seen in a government compensation compound. Because of Chinese dam construction and deforestation, indigenous communities are facing the threat of forced evictions from their ances (...)
tral lands by the Cambodian government. Stung Treng province, Cambodia. July 25, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Children from the Bunong ethnic minority are seen playing and swimming along the road after heavy rain caused flooding. The Bunong are the largest indigenous highland ethnic group in Cambodia. They (...)
are thought to have lived in the Mondulkiri area for around 2,000 years. Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. July 26, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Bunong children are seen playing before Sunday Mass in the church of Laoka village. The Bunong are the largest indigenous highland ethnic group in Cambodia. They are believed to have been living in (...)
the Mondulkiri area for around 2,000 years. Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. July 23, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Bunong children are seen playing before Sunday Mass in the church of Laoka village. The Bunong are the largest indigenous highland ethnic group in Cambodia. They are believed to have been living in (...)
the Mondulkiri area for around 2,000 years. Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. July 23, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Children from the Bunong ethnic minority are seen playing and swimming along the road after heavy rain caused flooding. The Bunong are the largest indigenous highland ethnic group in Cambodia. They (...)
are thought to have lived in the Mondulkiri area for around 2,000 years. Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. July 26, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Children, mostly from the Kui community at school in Pa Hal commune, Preah Vihear province. Kui indigenous people are actively engaged in protecting natural resources and customs from their older g (...)
enerations. Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. July 26, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini A Bunong family living in front of Chinese-owned Rui Feng industrial complex. The families accuse Rui Feng (Cambodia) International of clearing 500 hectares of land they have occupied for almost th (...)
ree years to establish a sugarcane plantation. Preah Vihear province, Cambodia. July 26, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Members of the Kui indigenous minority in the village of Anlong Chrey. The Kui are actively engaged in protecting the forest of Prey Lang. Deforestation, and aggressive agribusiness are threatening (...)
livelihoods and the land security of indigenous communities in Cambodia.
Anlong Srey, Cambodia. July 25, 2017. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos