Eli Reed Trump supporter Mark Smith placed a big lighted Trump sign on his property. On the first night it was up two weeks ago, someone tore it down. Smith put the sign back up with a booby trap of nails i (...)
n the sign where one would pick it up. Hope, Arkansas, USA. 2016. © Eli Reed | Magnum Photos
Eli Reed Sara Darling, Chairman of the Hempstead County Republican Committee meets with her fellow Republicans at Big Jake’s Barbeque restaurant and leads the monthly meeting. In this photo – they are pledg (...)
ing allegiance to our flag at the beginning of the meeting. Hope, Arkansas, USA. 2016. © Eli Reed | Magnum Photos
Eli Reed Monthly meeting of Hempstead County Democrats.
(Left to Right) Mary McTherdon, Catherine Rowe,Doris Brown, Sandra Rodgers, Silvia Brown, Eva Morehead (county clerk), Linda Blackman (in the proce (...)
ss of running for a political office), and Judy Lee Flowers, Treasurer. Hope, Arkansas, USA. 2016. © Eli Reed | Magnum Photos