Angela sells cigarettes which she gets from the Black Market, to people at the cafes. Most of the American cigarettes are skilfully prepared in Naples from old butts, wrapped in old cartons. She ch (...)
arges 250 lira per pack; the official price is 350 lira. Most of her sales are single cigarettes at about 15 lira. The Government is prosecuting the vendors of Black Market cigarettes in Rome, because they undercut the legal price of the Italian tobacco monopoly, but in Naples the vendors go about openly. Naples, 1948 © David Seymour/Magnum Photos.
Children take refuge in underground shelters to escape the bombings. Minorca is the only island that remains loyal to the Republic. Located directly across the Catalan coast and close to the Franqu (...)
ist island of Majorca, its main town found itself in the path of the Italian Fascist army, 1938 © David Seymour/Magnum Photos.
School children push teacher Antonio Jannì’s scooter before riding to Bagaladi. There is no room for Jannì in Saucci and he lives in Bagaladi, 16km away. The road is extremely dangerous in winterti (...)
me and Jannì always carries a heavy load of food for the school children because there is no one else to transport the food supplies provided by the Italian government and UNICEF for school lunches. Italy, 1950 © David Seymour/Magnum Photos.