Arts & Culture

A Portrait of Humanity

Iorgis Matyassy Faso on the horse, Burkina Faso. Faso is a horseman and master of equestrian vaulting. I was impressed by how easily he got the horse to lie down, as though the animal was a pet dog. © Iorgis Matya (...)
Alice Zoo Tara by the Window, UK. Tara is a fat-positive activist and mental health advocate. I was struck by her strength, honesty and openness. She is completely unapologetic about her body, which I think (...)
Dustin Thierry Untitled, Germany. To this day, homosexuality is stigmatised and condemned within the Caribbean community. With this in mind, I made portraits of members of the black LGBTQ community in Berlin, Ams (...)
Charlie Kwai Captain America, Mexico. This Mexican boy dressed as Captain America walked unaccompanied down a street in Mexico City. This Mexican boy dressed as Captain America walked unaccompanied down a stree (...)
Luca Bracali Harmony, Mongolia. The Tsaatan people herd reindeer, but theirs is a precarious way of life. In late summer, the rainy season arrives and with it lightning, which ignites forests and kills reindeer (...)
Jelena Jankovic Selfie Culture, Croatia. I spotted these men lit up in the crowd of a concert. Selfie culture has begun to dominate our existence. As a result, we often miss opportunities to enjoy the world around (...)
Isabela Pacini Russian Colonel, Russia. Boris Nikolaev is a colonel in the Russian Armed Forces. I photographed him in his home in Moscow where he lives with his wife and daughter. © Isabela Pacini
Samuel Zuder Face to Faith, Tibet. These two friends – pilgrims – were dressed almost identically and looked like twins to me. They had travelled thousands of kilometres to worship at the holy mountain. © Samue (...)
Sebastian Delgado C. Keep Moving, Colombia. In 2008, the Giraldo family fled from danger in Colombia and lived in Venezuela for seven years until they were ordered to leave. They left behind the life they had built to (...)
Roland Blazejewski Family, Germany. I met this couple in Berlin. They were sitting together on the side of a street when I started a conversation with them. We talked for a long time and the man repeated, ‘We are a f (...)