Magnum Photos Event


Odyssee Europe. Exile and refuge since 1945 



Sep 12 - Oct 9 2016


Espace international Cosmopolis

Passage Graslin, 18 rue Scribe

Nantes, 44000


According to the UN Refugee Agency, by the end of 2015, 65.3 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations. If all them were a nation by themselves, they would be the 21st largest in the world. Because they do not feel safe and because they do not see any future for themselves at home, they decide to leave.

During the last past years, Europe witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of refugees and migrants. Hundreds of thousands of individual embarked on a dangerous journey by the Mediterranean Sea, hoping to find safety. Instead, they often face new walls in Europe. It seems that the continent has forgotten that flight and refuge is a significant part of his History.

“Odyssey Europa” features 50 pictures of Magnum photographers illustrating the refugee situation in Europe since the end of World War II. The exhibition shows the life of refugees from March 1945 in Germany to nowadays situation in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine.

Photographs by:
Abbas, Bruno Barbey, Jonas Bendiksen, Werner Bischof, Michael Christopher Brown, René Burri, Robert Capa, Raymond Depardon, Thomas Dworzak, Nikos Economopoulos, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Erich Lessing, Paolo Pellegrin, Moises Saman, Ferdinando Scianna, Jerome Sessini, David ‘Chim’ Seymour, Dennis Stock, Peter Van Agtmael, John Vink, Patrick Zachmann.

An exhibition in collaboration with Zeitenspiegel-Reportageschule Günter Dahl.

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